
I'm Ritik Jaiswal.

a student.

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Student at Presidency University Bengaluru. I am a B.Tech Student from Presidency University, Bengaluru. I currently am pursuing my degree in B.Tech with Computer and Communication Engineering. My grades at the university are constantly improving. My latest SGPA was 10 and my CGPA is 8.82 based on relative grading scale.

My Skills.

Design & Development

Learning to code since I was 15. As the time passed I gained a wealth of experience in coding. There were times where I would just put a break on coding. But, now with proper guidance I am back on track.

Problem Solving

I am still shaping up this skill on HackerRank. I have a Silver badge in Problem solving as a momento of my achievement.

Get In Touch

If you want to talk to me. Lets get in touch.

In case of any communication or queries. Or, if you just want to talk to me. Lets get in touch.

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© 2020 Ritik Jaiswal.